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Are You Experiencing Headaches?

Headache’s with Dave


Headaches can occur for a number of reasons, but some of these can be treated by a Physiotherapist or the cause of the headache can be determined by a therapist.


Posture: Related to mood, set up, strength, endurance, range of motion

Stress: Increases sensitivity to pain drivers, increases blood pressure/vascular tension, can affect postures and clenching of the jaw

Acute injury: A fall, motor vehicle accident, head collision in sport (concussion)

Medical: Physiological issues that can be diagnosed by your doctor.

So, what can physio help with?

  • Identify the pain triggers in the neck, jaw or scapular muscles. These are the most likely areas that commonly refer pain to the head in a way you might call it a ‘headache’.
  • Change your environment or equipment set up at the desk or car for example, or in your chosen sport or hobby.
  • Strengthen relatively weak muscles, or guide the building of endurance.
  • These areas of weakness or poor endurance may be far away from the symptomatic region, for example; hip flexors and abdominals, rather than neck muscles.
  • Help coordinate breathing into more comfortable postures.
  • Advice on appropriate mobility drills and stretches that help you get into better positions.
  • Manual therapy; massage, dry needling, joint treatments.


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