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All About Telehealth!

Next-Gen Physio are excited to announce that we are now offering Telehealth consultations!

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is the use of telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical health care. Telehealth means that appointments with certain healthcare professionals can now take place over the phone or via a video call.

What are the benefits of Telehealth?

One of the main benefits of Telehealth is that the consultation can be conducted in your own environment. Whether that be your home or your office, which means the vibe can be more relaxed.

The actual equipment you are using, or the space you are working in/isolating in is visible (rather than trying to imagine what the home environment is like). This can be especially helpful for patients that want help setting up their home office.

It draws a lot of focus on conversation which can help get to the bottom of many problems, as we don’t get sidetracked with the treatment of symptoms.

How does Physio via Telehealth work?

Physio treatment in particular via Telehealth means that Physio’s can assess, diagnose, and treat online! We will ask you a series of questions about your injury or condition, and then safely guide you through a series of tests and movements to diagnose your injury or condition. We develop a personalised recovery plan using a tailored exercise program.

How to book a Telehealth consultation

Click here to book a Telehealth consultation online. You can also book a Telehealth consultation by calling the clinic on 02 4965 5712. Once your appointment has been booked you will receive a confirmation email with a link to access your online appointment. At the time of your appointment click this link which will take you directly to your video call with the Physio.

There is no software required to download, all that you need is a device with a camera and a microphone. If you are going to be using an Apple product the video link must be opened in Safari.

If you have any questions about Telehealth, get in touch today!

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