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Dad Hacks with Mikka

Dad Life Hacks with Mikka


I am now 7 months into life with my favourite little man Harry, and I thought I’d share a few things I’ve learnt along the way.

Share the Load

Posture gets a bad wrap in my opinion but when you are holding kids in awkward positions for long periods you can start to feel the pinch (sometimes literally). Generally my tip for people is to make sure you’re feeling the effort coming from the right areas, and share it around rather than overwork some of the usual suspects like your upper traps or lower back. I’ve recently done an Instagram video outlining a few tips for not wearing yourself out carrying a baby or child around. If all else fails, we are always here to help!

Keep Your Cup Full

Super cliche but, whether it’s at home or at work, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Life is busy at the best of times, dad life has upped the ante and meant time to myself can be at a minimum. If this is you as well, what do you do to release the pressure valve or maintain your mental health? For me it’s exercise and time outside. On the day’s where Mil needs a break and I want to move, I take him with me running, strap him to me and go for a walk, or hold him while I ride the stationary bike and use him as a weight for a few home exercises. I have no doubt that doing this makes me a more patient and present dad and husband, so find your version.

You Get What You Put In

I think a lot of new parents, men especially, struggle with what you lose when you become a Dad. Flip the switch and focus on what you’ve gained. It didn’t hit me until he was born how much I’d love being a dad. It helps that he’s a mini version of me. I’m excited to wake up every day and see him, to see what he learns today and almost tapping into how happy he is just to be alive and experience life. For me, decreasing screen time and being as present as I can be when I’m home has helped, as well as keeping close to our normal routine, just taking him with us instead of going full hermit like our instincts probably tell us to.


Hopefully this is helpful for current and future parents!

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