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Single Leg Hop Testing for ACL Rehab

Single Leg Hop Testing for ACL Rehab

Being able to propel and land with good mechanics are vital for return to sport. Yes it is important to achieve the hopping markers in the mentioned tests, but the quality of how you perform these tests is equally as important. Your physiotherapist can assess this and make sure you are on track. We commence hopping drills around 2-6 months post-surgery, depending on the patient.

Single Leg Hop

  1. Stand on one foot with your toes behind a line marked on the floor.
  2. Hop forward as far as possible, landing on the same foot from which you took off.
  3. Your PT will measure and record the distance you hopped in centimetres (cm).
  4. Repeat the test two times for both legs; your PT will record the distance you were able to hop each time.

Single Leg Triple Hop

  1. Stand on one foot with your toes behind a line marked on the floor.
  2. Hop forward as far as possible for three consecutive hops.
  3. Your PT will measure and record the distance you hopped in centimetres.
  4. Repeat the test two times for both legs; your PT will record the distance hopped each time.

Single Leg Diagonal Triple Hop

  1. Your PT will mark a line on the floor that is about six meters long.
  2. Stand on one foot and hop forward and over the line.
  3. Continue hopping in a zig-zag pattern over the line for three hops.
  4. Your PT will record the distance you were able to hop with both your injured leg and your uninjured leg.

Timed Single Leg Hop Over 6 Meters

  1. Stand on one foot with the six-meter line extending out in front of you.
  2. Hop as quickly as you can on one foot until you reach the end of the six meters.
  3. Your PT will record the time it takes for you to hop six meters on one foot.
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