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Suffered an ankle sprain/injury recently?

Suffered an ankle sprain/injury recently?

ankle sprain

These are just a few wild ankle injuries we have seen in our clinic over the last few weeks!! Unfortunately these are all too common!

If you have just sustained an ankle injury, here is what you should be doing in the FIRST WEEK to make sure you get back to 100% in the shortest period of time and ripping into the things you love doing:

1. If you where unable to take weight through the affected side, seek medical attention ASAP for X-RAY referral

2. Determine the extent of your injury by your physiotherapist who may refer you for an MRI or to a specialist

3. Depending on the injury, ensure your ankle is either strapped or placed in a moon boot to protect the area

4. Control swelling/pain with ice, compression therapy (we utilise NormaTec compression boots for this), elevation and appropriate medication as prescribed by your Doctor

5. Commence the rehab exercises as directed by your physiotherapist to begin to restore movement and strength

This is a broad guide! We love treating ankle injuries (sprains, tears, fractures) and have heaps of experience doing so  – most of our staff have most likely had an injury not to disimilar to your own!

Happy rehabbing, Next-Gen.

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