Adam Casey

Adam Casey
Massage Therapist
A Bit About Adam
Adam grew up in the little town of Denman in the Upper Hunter, living on a property just outside of the town with cows as neighbours. Looking for more dynamic opportunities, he moved to Newcastle in 2009 and hasn’t looked back since. His family followed suit and all made a sea change around Newcastle and Port Stephens, making staying in touch nice and easy.
Massage Career
Looking back, Adam always had the knack for massage since working on friend’s shoulders and necks back in high school. Adam didn’t decide to make a career out of Remedial Massage until a little bit later on when University didn’t quite have what he was looking for.
Adam has completed extensive Remedial Massage Training and continued on his studies completing Pregnancy Massage and Myofacial Cupping Training.
“A good massage therapist should always try and put themselves out of work.”
Rather than just touching on the symptomatic pains, Adam’s goal is to get to the cause of the pain itself while also suggesting preventative adjustments where possible. Enjoying life in the best physical condition is Adam’s number 1 goal for his patients. Life’s natural ‘wear and tear’ on the body means that Adam can get to work to get you back to where you should be and hopefully prevent or prolong your visits with his preventative strategies, allowing his patients to be at our optimal self for a lot longer.
Hobbies and Lifestyle
Adam is a self-confessed geek. He is interested in pop-culture and random bits of trivia that keep the world interesting. Highlights including meeting Patrick Stuart and Stan Lee in person at the first oz-comic con, something he will never forget!