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NextGen Physio

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Athletic Development

Athletic Development

Athletic Development Athletic Development Next-Gen’s, Tom, Meaghan and myself, were fortunate enough to attend an athletic development workshop with Christian Woodford from Woodford Sports Science Consulting. The topic of the workshop was athlete development; general...
Athletic Development

Can you do this?

Can you do this? Can you do this? Being able to hold a deep squat for a minimum of FIVE MINUTES (yes, we said five!) is a basic functional movement that ALL humans should be able to achieve.  Unfortunately, due to the physical pressures of the modern world (sitting...
Athletic Development

A physios take on yoga

A physios take on yoga A physios take on yoga As physiotherapists, we are in the game of assessing and treating injuries and those with tightness and pain. This is what we do all day!! (and love doing so!). As a result, we are frequently asked the following question...
Athletic Development

Get moving!

Get moving! Get moving! Lately I have had a few patients ask me what I recommend as the ideal amount of exercise each week. The answer I give is according to Australia’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines (The Department of Health, 2014). Children...